Public Transport News
Cheshire East Council introduce public transport scheme for rural villages
Nantwich News has published details of a public transport scheme being introduced by Cheshire East Council to support rural villages. It says that two 16-seat accessible vehicles will be operating from 7am-9pm, which would allow for journeys to work and education, along with healthcare, shopping and leisure.
The service will be available to all residents on a fare-paying basis.
The new service will use an app-based booking system, similar to one used in urban areas by major bus companies and transport authorities. Subject to funding being confirmed, the new service is expected to be up and running by Tuesday June 1.
Click the button below to see the full piece on the Nantwich News website

New action group formed
Communities Against Rural Industrial Expansion
Many residents have raised great concerns about the huge concrete plant which has been built next to Wrenbury Station without planning permission. There is an action committee that is doing its best to fight this application, via contact with Cheshire East Council, Councillors, and our MP.
The group is called CARIE – Communities Against Rural Industrial Expansion.
If you have concerns about his development that you have not already submitted to Cheshire East Council, or have examples of the impact on your lives, please email these to the CARIE team using the button below or the link at the top of this page. Thank you.

Huge majority in favour of The Newhall Neighbourhood Plan
Feb 28, 2020
The count is complete from yesterday's referendum, and residents have voted in favour of the Newhall Neighbourhood Plan by a huge majority.
192 votes were cast, representing a 27.35% turnout, of which:
184 were YES votes
8 were NO votes
Neighbourhood Plan Submitted for Regulation 15/16
Wed 31st July 2019
The Newhall Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Cheshire East Council on 31st July for Regulation 15/16 consultation.
A copy of the plan - and the supporting documents for the submission - are available on the Documents page of this website.

Successful Drop-In Meeting
Friday 10th May 2019
Thanks to everyone who attended last nights Drop-In meting at St Andrew's Church in Aston.
We had a great attendance from a cross-section of individuals, couples and families and the team very much enjoyed sharing the details of the plan and the important issues for the parish.
The Feedback Survey is now online!
Friday 10th May 2019
You can now send your feedback about the Neighbourhood Plan quickly & easily via an online survey.
Once you've read through the plan, click the link below to start:

The Neighbourhood Plan is ready for review
April 26th 2019
The neighbourhood plan has now reached a stage known as 'Regulation 14' which means it is available for any interested parties (residents, local companies, parish neighbours etc) to read and tell us what they think. Go to the Neighbourhood Plan page of this website (you can click the button below) to download a copy of the plan and a feedback form.
The Newhall Parish Neighbourhood Plan ('the plan') has been prepared in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and is now in its pre-submission consultation (Regulation 14) stage. The plan covers the period to 2030 and has been prepared under the authority of Newhall Parish Council (the qualifying body)
The Regulation 14 consultation period commences on 26th April 2019, and comments must be received by 5pm on 16th June 2019.

Working Hard on The Plan
You may think things have gone quiet recently but the team have been busy drawing up draft versions of the various sections of the Neighbourhood Plan. As soon as the plan takes shape a little more, we'll put more details here.
In the meantime, please check our appeal for Green Space nominations on the welcome page.

Residents Meeting
a Great Success!
On a cold, damp, dark winter evening over 90 people made the effort to come and see us to learn more about the Newhall Neighbourhood Plan. Residents were hugely supportive and positive about the plan, and very interested in the survey results.
Copies of the documents used for the meeting can be downloaded on the 'Documents' tab above.

Find out more at the
Residents Meeting on 6th December
November 16th 2017
The survey results are in, we've analysed them & we will be communicating the results and next steps
at a meeting for all residents of Newhall Parish
on Wednesday 6th December
in the upstairs room at St Andrew's Church on Wrenbury Road in Aston.
We hope to see you there!

The Newhall Neighbourhood Plan Surveys are printed and will be distributed soon!
August 1st 2017
We've just received the printed copies of the survey which will soon be distributed by our team of volunteers.
If you're a resident of Newhall parish, you should receive the survey soon - look out for it!

Help shape the future of Newhall Parish
April 2017
Newhall residents should have received an information leaflet in the last few days about the Newhall Neighbourhood Plan - please make sure you read it!